Media Outreach & Coverage2023-05-21T16:11:18-07:00

The Laguna Beach Garden Club shares information about its educational programs and community initiatives with members and the public through local media — from print to online to radio and more.  Here is a sampling of our outreach and coverage.

In the Media

1806, 2024

June 2024 Laguna Beach Garden Club Awards Scholarships

On June 18, 2024, StuNews (Volume 16, Issue 46) published about the scholarships that the Laguna Beach Garden Club has awarded to students entering the fields horticulture, landscape design, environmental sciences and botany at Laguna Beach High School and Saddleback College.

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2005, 2024

May 2024 Good of the Hive mural featured in Laguna Beach Magazine

The May 2024 issue of Laguna Beach Magazine puts a spotlight on the Good of the Hive mural (pg. 71).

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1305, 2024

May 2024 Good of the Hive mural featured in LA Times Daily Pilot

On May 10, 2024 the LA Times Daily Pilot published an article on Matt Willey’s “The Good of the Hive” mural in Laguna Beach.  The article features and interview from the artist about his experiences working in our city.  It also mentions the city’s recent proclamation recognizing the first Saturday in May as “Bee Day.” (Photo by Don Leach)

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2104, 2024

April 2024 “Not Your Granny’s Garden Club”

On April 19, 2024, The Laguna Beach Independent featured the Laguna Beach Garden Club in their Non-Profit Spotlight section in an article entitled “Not your Granny’s Garden Club” which highlighted many of the exciting things that our growing club is doing.

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2803, 2024

March 2024 “Ladies of Laguna” featured for the Gate & Garden Tour

On March 26, 2024, StuNews (Volume 16, Issue 25) published an article features five “Ladies of Laguna” donning lovely chapeaus to promote our annual Gate & Garden Tour.

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2503, 2024

March 2024 Gate & Garden Tour in LA Times

On March 19, 2024 the Sunday LA Times highlighted Laguna Beach Garden Club’s Gate & Garden tour in an article entitled, “How to get an inside look at gorgeous private gardens in and around L.A.” (Photo by Felicia Smith)

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