Mayor Kempf making Bee Day proclamation.

Members posing with certificate for Bee Day proclamation at Laguna Beach City Council meetingOn April 23rd, on behalf of the Laguna Beach Garden Club and the Laguna Beach County Water District the city of Laguna Beach proclaimed the first Saturday of May (our tour day!) to be Laguna Beach Bee Day.

Merrick Vellmure, recipient of first Bee Day Award with his parents in front of Willey bee muralThe goal being that we educate, inform and give practical suggestions to the community about the importance of pollinators and what we can do to project them.  You can read the full proclamation below.   Several of our members were present at the April 23rd City Council Meeting where the proclamation was announced by Mayor Sue Kempf.

On the first Bee Day, at our Gate & Garden Tour, we awarded a prize to Merrick Vellmure, a Laguna Beach High School student who has become a master beekeeper and is exemplifying what we hope the next generation will make standard. A member of Orange County Beekeepers Society sold local honey at our Ways and Means table on tour day. The Laguna Beach County Water District was on hand to give water saving and planting tips to our guests. We are striving to emulate the seamless and smooth behavior of a hive that naturally is inclined to do the right thing because it benefits the collective. Like humans, bees are incredibly social creatures, who will protect the ones they love and will work together for common goals. It’s worth remembering that we can learn plenty from them.

Bee Day Proclamation