The Laguna Beach Garden Club has a lot of benefits to offer you:
- Exciting guest speakers
- Enjoyable trips, tours & craft workshops
- Wonderful raffles, auctions and events
- Community projects & programs
- Opportunities to garden with us!
And, we value the interests and knowledge you bring to the club!
You can become a club member in two ways:
PARTIAL-YEAR DUES – We are offering a discounted membership for $35 (valid February through May). Payments by cash or check will receive a $5 discount. This offer is ONLY available for payments made at our General Meetings in February and March and is not offered via our website.
1. Pay annual dues by check. Download and complete the Membership form below, print and complete it, include a check for $65 and mail to:
Laguna Beach Garden Club
P.O. Box 362
Laguna Beach, Ca 92652
Make checks payable to: Laguna Beach Garden Club, INC.
Wells Fargo will not cash any checks that do NOT have the INC added to our club name
2. Pay annual dues of $70 (includes $5 handling fee) by credit card and you can join right from our website. Just fill out the online form below and submit.