Planning For A Safe Future In Our Gardens
It is hard to believe that we are already in October. I find that the older I get, the faster time seems to pass by. Be that as it may, we are approaching two things: Southern California planting season and the peak of fire year. We all remember when it was fire season, but no more: it is a year round issue. 2023 will mark 30 years since the massive blaze in Laguna Beach.
So now is the time to start thinking about what to plant that will be low fire risk and need minimal irrigation: remember that we are in a mega drought and climate change is proceeding ever more rapidly. Also we need to increase our biodiversity by planting things that provide food sources and breeding grounds for our birds, butterflies, bees, etc. Last week I visited the pollinator garden that we helped support in Bluebird Park. It has only been there a few months but is thriving, and I saw numerous different butterflies and birds: an absolute delight!
Our October meeting is all about fire mitigation and what we can do in our own gardens and I strongly urge you to attend. To that end, Tree of Life Nursery is holding a Sage Festival on Saturday, November 14 from 9:00am to 3:30pm. It is co-sponsored by the California Native Plant Society. Every time I go there I learn so much and this should be a wonderful event.
I look forward to seeing you all at our meeting on the 14th!