In 1999, our club was offered an opportunity to participate in an exciting civic beautification garden project. This garden, located in Laguna Beach has been established and maintained since that time.
This pocket garden, or plaza, was originally established in 1984 by Walter von Gremp with a vision of a European sitting garden in the middle of town. He created the garden with brick paving, benches, permanent pots, a water system and a sculpture by a local artist as a tribute to his wife and motherhood. Unfortunately he was not able to maintain the garden in the manner he envisioned and neglect prevailed. During the late Spring of 1999, the area was recognized by some of our members as a potential civic beautification project. These members met several times, did research at Sherman Gardens and nurseries, presented the project to the Garden Club Board and contacted Mr. von Gremp for his approval.
The project was begun by planting the pots before the July Fourth weekend with red, white and blue flowers. There were several additional weeks of work to trim the trees, prepare the soil, create a plan, and purchase the plants. It was an excited work group that turned out that first day of planting. Old and new members alike found themselves knee deep in dirt happily planting the garden.
This civic beautification project will continue to be maintained by our members and we encourage anyone interested to take part. We change the pots throughout the year with seasonal color plants if necessary. Members keep a watchful eye on the condition of the garden through weekly visits. We have installed a permanent sign giving credit to our Garden Club for the care of the garden.
This is a small contribution to our community that can be enjoyed by so many. If you are interested in helping with the Garden Club’s Beautification Project, please call
Nancy Boone at 559-355-3367 or nboone@titanwws.com