On Sept. 13th, join us for our meeting to hear author Chris Epting tell the story of President Theodore Roosevelt’s important trip to Yosemite, which shaped the destiny of the National Park Service.
Club members are invited to our Green Thumb Crafts Workshop on Fri., Sept. 20th as we make colorful garden/parade hats. Sign up and receive the address when you complete the form here.
On Sept. 23rd, our Board of Directors meets monthly to discuss and vote on club business. Member are welcome to attend! Please contact us for the meeting location by submitting the form here.
Club members are invited on Fri., Sept. 27th to visit two members’ gardens in Laguna
Niguel/Aliso Viejo and join us for Happy Hour! It’s from 2:00-5:00 pm, and light refreshments will be served –
including wine!
Club members are invited on Sat., Sept. 28th to visit the ever-popular Waterwise Botanicals Nursery & Gardens in Bonsall in north San Diego county. We're meeting and carpooling; see details here.