The Laguna Beach Garden Club shares information about its educational programs and community initiatives with members and the public through local media — from print to online to radio and more. Here is a sampling of our outreach and coverage.
In the Media
May 2023 Local Paper Features the 2023 Gate & Garden Tour
On May 9, 2023, StuNews ran a wonderful feature on the sold out 2023 Gate & Garden Tour!
April 2023 Laguna Beach Garden Club and County Water District Collaborate in Waterwise and Firesafe Garden Competition
On April 18, 2023 (Volume 15, Issue 31) our local StuNews featured an article on the collaboration between the Laguna Beach Garden Club and The Laguna Beach County Water district to recognize outstanding Waterwise and Firesafe gardens in our city.
April 2023 Laguna Beach Garden Club Speaker Series Concludes with with Kelly Griffin
On April 18, 2023 (Volume 15, Issue 23) our local StuNews profiled our May 12th Speaker Kelly Griffin, a succulent hybridizer, propagator and avid plant explorer and our final speaker for the last meeting of the 2022-2023 Laguna Beach Garden Club season. Griffin will offer an exploration of the International World of Succulents. Meetings will resume on September 8, 2023.
August 2022 Laguna Beach Garden Club Resumes Speaker Series with Matt Willey
We look forward to resuming our speaker series in September! On August 23, 2022 (Volume 14, Issue 67) our local StuNews featured our September 9th Speaker, renown artist Matt Willey. Willey is founder of The Good of the Hive Initiative and is on a world-wide mission to raise awareness of our struggling honeybee population and their importance to humanity.
July 2022 Laguna Beach Garden Club Donation to Glennwood House in Local News
On July 19, 2022 (Volume 14, Issue 57) our local StuNews featured an article announcing a $1500 donation made by the Laguna Beach Garden Club in support of the maintenance and expansion of the Glennwood House community garden. Glennwood House provides non-profit housing and supported living services to adults with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities.
(Photo by Mary Hurlbut)
June 2022 Gate & Garden Tour in Local News
On June 14, 2022 (Volume 14, Issue 47) our local StuNews featured an article highlighting this year’s Gate & Garden Tour. The event is a major fundraiser for educational school gardens and student scholarships, and supports local gardens, parks and community sustainability causes. This year over 700 ticket holders helped us raise $49,000! The article announced that Susan Denton and Karen Nelson will head up the 2023 Gate & Garden Tour set for Saturday, May 6, 2023. Mark your calendars!