Blooming with Spring Beauty
Hello Dear Members,
Spring flowers are everywhere. I so much enjoy the variety of shapes and sizes, aromas and colors. This is one of the many joys of being a gardener. We get to choose what to plant and how to arrange the plants and then, the shopping. I might love the shopping most of all, especially with a friend!
I know many of our speakers would be disappointed to know that I rarely stick to my shopping list. There is always a plant or pot that screams at me, “I belong in your garden or space — take me home!” Sometimes I resist and often I do not. Is this sounding familiar to anyone?
Succulents are my absolute favorite. They seem to like me too, growing well and only occasionally getting infested with mealy bugs. My go-to remedy for mealy bugs is spraying full strength alcohol. Be sure to do this in shade, never in sunlight as the plant will suffer sun damage. The alcohol evaporates quickly. It’s important to check the plant again in a few days and spray again (making sure to get all the crevices and underneath too).
Recently, I added some other varieties for the flowers and to attract pollinators. These plants add so much color and as many of our speakers have advised, it’s up to us to mix plants as long as we stay aware of water needs and sunlight requirements. One of my recent favorites it is a scarlet azalea.
Cookie Lee, one of our Co- Membership Directors made me aware of a beautiful bloom in Heisler Park. I am hoping it’s still there for you to check out (near Myrtle and Cliff Dr.). The plant is Puya alpestris. In case it isn’t still in bloom, here is a photo I took while there.
I hope to see you at our General Meeting on Friday, April 9. Deborah Shaw is our Speaker, and we’ll have more info to share about our upcoming Gate & Garden Tour.
All my best,