President’s Message,  March 2022
Savor the Seasons in Your Garden

Happy March! Happy Spring!

How much fun was our Valentine Plant and Planter Sale! I am thrilled with the items I brought home. I do have a favorite — the of it photo is below.President’s Message,  March 2022

It’s a busy time of year for our club… Arbor Day was March 7. A Budget Committee and the full Board of Directors have prepared and approved an annual budget for members to review and approve. Plus, we’re about to undergo our annual audit. Also, we’re seeking new board members to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors: President, Vice President, and Recording Secretary. All are meaningful and fulfilling positions. Finally, our biggest fund raiser of the year is coming up: The Gate & Garden Tour.

So many ways for you, dear members to participate and have your voices heard. Spring is in the air, a time of renewal and new beginnings as well. Please consider new and different ways of contributing to your garden club — in my opinion the very best garden club, the Laguna Beach Garden Club.

President’s Message,  March 2022The little garden in front of my home continues to delight. An orchid from one of our Trip & Tours is blooming orange and yellow. A crested cactus from OC Succulents delights my neighbors and me. Tripp is totally indifferent to all of it. I take no offense as he delights me in his own special way.

Our club continues its search for new Board members. Please consider how you might contribute to the board. We meet for 90 minutes once a month. We support each other very much. I became Vice President soon after joining Laguna Beach Garden Club and I’ve enjoyed every single second of my time on the board. You can do it. I’ll buy you lunch if you’d like to discuss.

My best regards always,