President’s Message, October 2019

Dear Members,

This month is Halloween, so let’s talk spiders! Did you know that their business is dealing relentlessly with insect pests?  So, why not make your garden inviting to spiders?

I love spiders! 

  • They’re eight-legged, non-toxic pest control for insects inside and outside of the home.
  • Sure, the “big orb” spider webs get all the attention and are spectacular but take a close look at that “little gal” in the lower corner – and all the dead carpet moths below.
  • Spiders set up camp based on where the bugs are, and Daddy-Long-Legs are the workhorses of indoor pest control.
  • More spiders mean fewer mosquitos. Mosquitos spread viruses, such as West Nile, which have been detected in Orange County.

Admit it:  you usually don’t even realize you have a spider until the corpses of pests start to accumulate on the ground!  So, in the future, if you see a spider, you may be even more inclined to leave that spider alone. They are getting rid of all those bugs for you!

(Obviously, if you can’t stand living with spiders, just gently move them outside and allow them to go about their business undisturbed — because their business is being a predator that deals relentlessly with insect pests.)

Make your garden inviting to all sorts of spiders. It’s simple. Don’t be too tidy; allow webs to remain on sheds and other structures. Also, leave plant stalks standing in winter and don’t clear away plant debris until spring to avoid disturbing spider egg sacs.

Doing less is doing more for the planet.  No tricks needed this Halloween or any time of the year.  Treat your home and garden to natural insect pest control — thanks to our not-so-scary friend, the spider!

Nancy Englund
Laguna Beach Garden Club