From Our President

2024-2025 Co-Presidents Mary Englund and Mary Sanchez

Nancy Englund and
Mary Sanchez

Every month, the President of the Board heads our general meeting and leads off with a personal message. The monthly President’s Message provides insight into the vision and goals of our club leader, who guides the organization for two terms.

The message is always informational and often inspirational, and we publish them here throughout the year.

Come to one of our regular meetings to hear the President’s Message in person! Meetings are held on the second Friday of the month, September – May, at 9:30 am in Laguna Presbyterian Church, Tankersley Hall, 415 Forest Avenue.

President’s Message, November 2023

What will bring you delight in November? Likely spending time with friends and family over the Thanksgiving dinner table is on your list. What are you grateful for? I’m grateful to be a member of a caring Club, spreading delight and support to our very own Laguna Food Pantry to help those in need.

President’s Message, October 2023

Delight can be found in memories of dear ones who have passed. My mother-in-law Claudia passed recently at the age of 95. I like to think her love of gardening and being connected to our earth contributed to her long, healthy life. I know it certainly brought her delight.

President’s Message, September 2023

I am delighted to be your new president! Thanks to recent past presidents Janet Chance, Mariann Keenan, Nancy Englund, and Lynn Jax I have “inherited” a club that is vibrant, growing and filled with delightful members like you. We have accomplished so many delightful and impactive things as a club thus far and I look forward to continuing this great tradition with each of you.

President’s Message, May 2023

This Saturday is our annual Gate & Garden Tour. As always, the gardens are lovely, so come and see them, have a Margarita and celebrate! See you there!

Vice President’s Message, April 2023

Spring has sprung, the rain has stopped (for now 😊 ) and the pollinators are pollinating! How do I know the pollinators are active? I see them and hear them buzzing around my garden and had a personal encounter with one.

President’s Message, March 2023

Well, shiver my briskets but it is cold and soggy out there! Last week I planted and pruned, and this weekend I was going to fertilize my fruit trees except that Mother Nature clearly wants to keep me in my comfy armchair, reading! By the end of next week I will doubtless have a fine crop of weeds to deal with. However, weeding is one of my favorite garden tasks, so bring them on.