The Laguna Beach Garden Club shares information about its educational programs and community initiatives with members and the public through local media — from print to online to radio and more. Here is a sampling of our outreach and coverage.
In the Media
December 2023 Official Announcement of the Matt Willey Mural
On December 5, 2023, StuNews published the official announcement of the Matt Willey Bee Mural to be painted on a street facing wall at the Laguna Beach Water District. The project has been commissioned by the Laguna Beach Garden Club in order to emphasize and educate the community on the importance of pollinators. It will be our Love Letter to Laguna Beach!
September 2023 Coverage of Water District’s Approval for a Matt Willey Mural
On September 14, 2023, StuNews (Volume 15, Issue 74) reported that the Laguna Beach County Water District Commission has unanimously accepted a donation from the Laguna Beach Garden Club for a proposed Matt Willey mural to be painted at the District’s Headquarters. An initial announcement of the project had been planned for our next general meeting, but it looks like the Bee is out of the bonnet! Be sure to attend our October General Meeting for more news on this exciting collaboration.
June 2023 Laguna Beach Garden Club Awards Three Scholarships
On June 9, 2023, StuNews (Volume 15, Issue 46) reported that the Laguna Beach Garden Club awarded three $3000 scholarships to Laguna Beach High School seniors through the Laguna Beach Scholarship Foundation at their annual awards convocation held June 2nd.
May 2023 Local Paper Highlights School Garden
On May 30, 2023, StuNews (Volume 15, Issue 43) featured an article highlighting the Top of the World School Garden. Did you know that funds raised at our annual Gate & Garden Tour help support our three fabulous Laguna Beach school gardens?
May 2023 Laguna Beached Named Most Waterwise City
On May 26, 2023, StuNews (Volume 15, Issue 42) announced that Laguna Beach has secured “Most Waterwise City” title for eighth time! Water conservation is important to us. Our garden club collaborates annually with the Laguna Beach Water District to hold the Waterwise Garden of the year competition as part of our Gate & Garden Tour.
May 2023 Laguna Beach Garden Club Announces Distribution of Scholarships and School Garden Funds
On May 19, 2023 (Volume 15, Issue 40) our local StuNews featured an article announcing that the Laguna Beach Garden Club awarded $2500 scholarships to two Saddleback College students studying Sustainable Landscape Design and gave $1500 to three Laguna Beach Schools to help fund school gardens.