
Latest Happenings

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Reggie Christian Honored, Jun. 2021

The Laguna Beach Garden Club and the Laguna Beach Sister Cities Association collaborated in the recognition of Reginald (Reggie) Christian, a Laguna Beach Parks Gardener of Heisler Park, for his outstanding service to the Sister Cities Gardens in Heisler Park.

Lotusland, June 2021

On June 23rd, twenty-two club members, family, and friends boarded a luxury-chartered bus at Laguna Beach High School parking lot early in the morning for the day-long excursion to the famed Lotusland in Santa Barbara (Montecito).

President’s Message, May 2021

Happy May. May is a wonderful exciting month for our club. The Gate & Garden Tour will already be over by the time you read this and I know it will have been glorious. (It was!) At this time our ticket sales are over 625. I hope many of you purchased tickets and volunteered as well. I did both and I loved seeing so many of you there!

President’s Message, April 2021

Spring flowers are everywhere. I so much enjoy the variety of shapes and sizes, aromas and colors. This is one of the many joys of being a gardener. We get to choose what to plant and how to arrange the plants and then, the shopping. I might love the shopping most of all, especially with a friend!

President’s Message, March 2021

Welcome to March, the month when we look forward to daylight savings time and the start of spring. I feel so lucky to live in Southern California where the flowers never stop blooming and our winters are mild. I’ve been spending an hour a day planting and cleaning up the garden in front of my home. One of my favorite native plants is a Dudleya that I’m growing. It is a beautiful bluish-green succulent that loves sunshine and is ready to bloom flowers soon!

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