Fresh Starts & Planning Ahead
Happy New Year everyone!
I hope our first newsletter in 2025 finds you all in great health and high spirits. As we step into the new year, it’s a wonderful time to reflect, and spend meaningful moments with loved ones, and give back anyway we can.
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting on January 10th and giving a warm welcome to Jenny Rose Cary, who will be joining us!
January is also the perfect time to start planning for the next year ahead, especially for those of us who enjoy gardening. I’ve been working on my garden To-Do list, and as always, I am drawn to planting flowers – annuals and geraniums being among my favorites.
Outside of gardening I am planning to spend time baking and getting into my books. It feels like last year flew by so quickly, and I am determined to savor every moment this year.
Wishing you all a productive and joyful January, filled with exciting plans and cherishing time with friends and family!
Mary Sanchez
2024-2025 Co-President