President’s Message,  November 2021
Thankful and Grateful

Dear Members,

Happy November!!

November always reminds me how fortunate we are to live in Southern California. While much of the rest of the country is seeing the first snowfall of the year, we enjoy temperatures in the 60’s, 70’s and sometimes the 80’s in November. Yes, there is rainfall for which we are grateful due to ongoing drought conditions.

Speaking of grateful, that is where my heart is this November. Especially when I compare this November to last during the pandemic…
1. Our club is meeting in- person this year and last year I was still learning the ropes of how to lead a Zoom meeting.
2. Many of us plan to celebrate Thanksgiving in- person with family and friends compared to being mostly in isolation last year.
3. Last year our membership numbers were dropping in November and this year we are adding new members every meeting.
4. I am grateful for the Trips and Tours we’ve had and for Green Thumb events, more already this year so far compared to all last year.

The list could go on, but you get the idea; we have much for which to be thankful and Thanksgiving is a perfect time to acknowledge that. Like all of you, I am thankful for my garden and grateful for the rainfall we’ve been experiencing in Orange County. Plants I purchased at the Plant Table are thriving in my small garden space. Many thanks to those of you who bring items to share. I love that my garden is full of plants from cuttings and gifts from friends.

Enjoy a bountiful, happy Thanksgiving with those you love and cherish. My very best wishes and love to you and yours,
