President’s Message, February 2024

It’s hard to believe the first month of 2024 has come to a close. What has delighted you so far in 2024? For me it’s the hummingbird’s nest right outside my husband Greg’s and my bedroom window. And seeing the joy on the children’s faces when Dee Perry, Regina Hartley and I read “Give Bees a Chance” by Bethany Barton at the Laguna Beach Art Museum’s story time on Saturday, Jan 27 as part of our The Good of the Hive® mural engagement.


President’s Message, January 2024

As 2023 comes to an end, I cannot help but reflect on how grateful and delighted I am with the support, encouragement and kindness you’ve shown me in my first 6 months as President. I knew it would be a lot of work but did not realize how rewarding it would be and how much I’d feel part of something so much bigger than myself. Our HIVE is vibrant, growing and filled with delightful members like you! YOU are what keeps me going each day and I thank you!


President’s Message, November 2023

What will bring you delight in November? Likely spending time with friends and family over the Thanksgiving dinner table is on your list. What are you grateful for? I’m grateful to be a member of a caring Club, spreading delight and support to our very own Laguna Food Pantry to help those in need.

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