President’s Message, October 2021

October is a fun month and a favorite for me. It’s a great planting season and a transition time in our gardens. I find it so interesting how life in our gardens is so like our own lives. We pick the plants we love much as we pick friends and close family members.


President’s Message, September 2021

Was your summer fun and exciting? I hope your travels were delightful, and your celebrations full of joy. If you had health scares, I hope you and your loved ones are doing well and are resting and enjoying life as best as is possible.


Reggie Christian Honored, Jun. 2021

The Laguna Beach Garden Club and the Laguna Beach Sister Cities Association collaborated in the recognition of Reginald (Reggie) Christian, a Laguna Beach Parks Gardener of Heisler Park, for his outstanding service to the Sister Cities Gardens in Heisler Park.


Lotusland, June 2021

On June 23rd, twenty-two club members, family, and friends boarded a luxury-chartered bus at Laguna Beach High School parking lot early in the morning for the day-long excursion to the famed Lotusland in Santa Barbara (Montecito).


President’s Message, May 2021

Happy May. May is a wonderful exciting month for our club. The Gate & Garden Tour will already be over by the time you read this and I know it will have been glorious. (It was!) At this time our ticket sales are over 625. I hope many of you purchased tickets and volunteered as well. I did both and I loved seeing so many of you there!

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