
Latest Happenings

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Monica Thompson’s Open Garden, June 2024

On Saturday, June 22, 2024,  Monical Thompson, our Recording Secretary,  graciously invited club members to view her beautiful garden resplendent with fruit trees, vegetable beds, wildlife, and beautiful landscaping!

President’s Message, May 2024

It has been my great honor to serve as your President this 2023-2024 Club year. I could not be more delighted with what we’ve accomplished together. You will not find a more hard-working Board, committed to Cultivating Delight through Gardening and Community Service than this one.

SoCal Spring Garden Show, April 2024

The 34th annual Southern California Spring Garden Show at South Coast Plaza was our last Trip and Tour of the garden club year. A small group of us gathered on April 25 to marvel and draw inspiration from the Fleurs de Villes exhibit of mannequins dressed in lavish, fresh floral ensembles.

Laguna Beach Bee Day Proclamation, April 2024

Did you know.... that on April 23rd, on behalf of the Laguna Beach Garden Club and the Laguna Beach County Water District the city of Laguna Beach proclaimed the first Saturday of May (our tour day!) to be Laguna Beach Bee Day.

President’s Message, April 2024

So many new delights to behold as we move into springtime! The days are longer, the hillsides are greener, the flowers are more abundant and the birds are returning. I hope you all are finding something delightful every day.

Huntington Library and Gardens, March 2024

On the first official day of spring, twenty members toured The Huntington Library, Art Museum and Botanical Gardens in San Marino. A warm welcome to Bonnie and Pat, our brand new members who joined our T&T! Click on the title or the photo to learn more.

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