President’s Message,  October 2021
Speaking to Our Gardens, Family, & Friends

Dear Members,

Thank you all for a wonderful September meeting. Ninety members including several new members attended our first in-person meeting since February 2020. The outdoor refreshments were enjoyed; the plant table was hopping, and many members were able to pick up their Membership Books and name badges too.

October is a fun month and a favorite for me. It’s a great planting season and a transition time in our gardens. I find it so interesting how life in our gardens is so like our own lives. We pick the plants we love much as we pick friends and close family members. We tend the plants with fertilizer and water, our time and care. Some of us, myself included, speak to and with our plants. There is so much solace to be found in a garden.

It is the same with our friends and cherished family members… We speak with them regularly, send them cards and or gifts and share our hurts and joy. As with our gardens, friends and family members offer us love, comfort and care when we need it just as we offer it to them.

As you might guess, a very dear family member passed away recently, and I’ve become reflective along with being sad. The members of our club are among the kindest and caring to be found. Being involved and leading this club right now is an honor and a blessing. The friends I’ve made here are helping me through this difficult time, taking the responsibility of our upcoming meeting and generally tending to me as though I am a favorite plant in their gardens.

This is, I think the best we can do for each other.

Thank you, my friends and fellow members.
